Our teaching at the Chair of Tree Pathology primarily concentrates on the diverse range of microorganisms inhabiting trees. This includes a spectrum from harmless and beneficial endophytes to saprophytes and pathogens that cause tree diseases. We place a special emphasis on both invasive and emerging microorganisms, dealing with their interactions with host trees. A significant part of our curriculum is dedicated to the molecular-genetic identification and diagnostic methods of these microorganisms.
We cover a broad range of topics, including the cultivation and identification of these microorganisms, along with the recognition of their corresponding symptoms in the field. Our focus extends to both forest and urban trees, providing a comprehensive understanding of the environments these organisms inhabit.
Additionally, we teach the biology and epidemiology of these microorganisms, with a particular focus on mycology. This approach ensures a thorough understanding of the complex relationships between trees and the microorganisms that inhabit them, equipping our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to address tree pathology effectively.
Summersemester: "Waldschutz"
Wintersemester: Elective module "Baumkrankheiten"
Summersemester: "Forest Pathology"
"Diagnostic Methods for Tree Diseases"
Wintersemester: Elective module "Biotic and abiotic challenges of Urban Trees and Forests"
Finished Theses
- “Horse chestnut fungal leaf pathogens - In planta inoculation methods and interactions of pathogenic fungi” by Tobias Benz, April – November 2022
- „Untersuchung zur Vitalität von Buchennaturverjüngung im Zusammenhang mit Trockenheit und Hitze“ by Tom Karrer, Start January 2023 (in collaboration with the FVA Freiburg)
- „Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Fäuledynamik unterschiedlicher Pilzisolate von Biscogniauxia nummularia und B. mediterranea an Buchenholz“ by Johanna Becker, Start January 2023 (in collaboration with the der FVA Freiburg)
- „Untersuchung des Mykoparasitismus bei Steccherinum tenuispinum auf anderen holzzersetzenden Pilzen“ by Luna Relinque, Start December 2022 (in collaboration with the Faculty of Biology, Freiburg)
- “Development of 3-d-moldable pure mycelium material for engineering purposes” by Nicolas Schewe, July – October 2022 (in collaboration with the Technical Faculty)
- “Comparison of the disease symptoms and identification of the responsible fungal pathogens of Sequoiadendron giganteum, Pinus sylvestris, Taxus baccata in Freiburg” by Laura Kunze, June – September 2022
- „Untersuchung von Phytophthora an Fagus sylvatica im forstbotanischen Garten in Freiburg“ by Tom Schneider, Mai – August 2022